
Sri Gayathri electricians works & house wiring is a verified DASH partner giving services in Peerzadiguda, Hyderabad .

Sri Gayathri electricians works & house wiring has been providing Electrician services over the past years in their area and has an expertise in the field. Our DASH partner has had a long term affiliation with us   and has evidently provided commendable services to many of our customers. We are proud to have such experts in our team and they are all local vendors and small businesses of their area.

They are essentially your nearby businesses offering repair and home maintenance services. The ideology behind this is to locally source the solution to your household demand and in the same process support local businesses & service providers.

When a DASH partner signs up with us, they undergo a thorough background check followed by a phone interview from our HR recruitment team to correctly understand and assign the partners to their skilled trade. Our partners are continuously updated and customer reviews are monitored regularly to ensure on-point service.

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Bathroom Lighting, Solar Inverters, Solar Panel Installation, Solar Power Batteries, Outdoor Light Repair/Install, Phone Line Repair/Install, Pit Repair/Install, Pool Filter Repair/Install, Powerpoint Repair/Install, Rewiring, Smoke Alarm Repair/Install, Switchboard Repair/Install, Test And Tag Services, Washing Machine Repair, Antenna Installation, Antenna Relocation, Antenna Repair, Appliance Test Report, Data Cabling, Down Lighting, Electrical Repair, Electrician, Emergency Lighting And Exit Light Testing, Home Security System Repair/Install, Laser Light Repair/Install, LED Strip Lighting Installation, Light Repair/Install, Light Switch Repair/Install, CCTV Installation, Cabling, Ceiling Fan Repair/Install, Electric Oven Repair/Install, Oven Repair/Install, Appliance Installation, Cooktop Repair/Install Electric, Digital TV Antenna Installation

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